Mindful Garden Sign Ideas
Looking to add some more presence and mindfulness to your garden? I created some signs for my garden beds that have served as such good reminders to drop into the moment and be fully present in the here and now. Below are some of the mindful garden signs in my garden. They are made of bamboo from Plaque Maker and my husband, Billy, added on the wooden stick that goes into the garden bed - yay for handy husbands! There are many different ways to create these signs, but these bamboo ones have served me well so far.
Mindful Moment
Scan the garden. What do you observe? What do you see in this moment?
Garden Goodness
Dig in! Did you know that the bacterium that lives in soil stimulates serotonin production, which makes you happier and more relaxed?
Quote by Jessica Defino
“Befriend the sun, get dirt on your hands, drink water, eat plants, see the beauty of it all and know that you are nature, too.”
Garden Goodness
Gardening can lower stress, offer a deep sense of purpose, and improve mood and concentration.
A few other mindful garden signs include:
Take a deep breath and listen. What do you hear?
Can you find 5 colors in the garden right now? Name the colors.
Pause and close your eyes. What are you feeling right now? Can you name that emotion?
Can you find a butterfly, bird, or bee in the garden right now? How is it moving? What plants do they seem to like?
Take 3 deep breaths as you picture your feet as tree roots that are going deep into the earth. Count out loud as you breathe in and out 3 times with your feet firmly planted on the ground.