Interview with Tonya Morris on How Growing Flowers is Helping Her Heal

Hi flower friends,

Today I want to share a very special story from Tonya Morris, a micro flower farmer in South Carolina, who has been through many challenges in her life. She has found flowers to be supportive in her healing journey and I’m thrilled to share a little bit about her with you today. Below is my interview with Tonya.

1. Can you tell us a little bit about who you are and where you’re from?

I am a 45 yr old SAHM (stay-at-home mom). I have 4 children (22yr old daughter-Lori Grace, 21 yr old daughter- Sophia, 12 yr old son-Davyn and forever 5&1/2 month old Easton).

2. How have flowers helped improve your mental and/or physical health?

Flowers have given me a purpose and sense of accomplishment in life when I felt I had none.

3. Is there one specific story you can share with us about the power of flowers in your life?

I have had a series of unfortunate events starting at age 9 that have traumatized me over and over (examples: sexual abuse, our town was terrorized by a local serial killer only to find out he sat in front of me my junior year of biology, my husband committed suicide after several attempts, my best friend died, my stepmother died after a long brutal battle with cancer, and my worst fear was realized when my infant son passed away from a genetic condition called Trisomy 13). I like to compare myself to the children’s punching bag that is bottom-filled with sand because each event I have managed to pop back up. Until recently.

The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was a near death experience with covid and long haulers following. I was pretty much worthless physically. I had a lot of weird symptoms that doctors were not yet familiar with, which made me question my sanity on top of physically not being able to care for the house, my family or work to make an income. All of this took a toll, to the point I wrote notes saying goodbye to my family. I was making a plan. I knew what losing their father had done to my daughters and I still thought they would be better off without me.

In desperation I did the one thing my body would physically let me do. I planted a tray of flower seeds. Zinnias, my favorites. Watching those seedlings pop up thru the soil gave me hope. It made me feel like I had accomplished something. I took baby steps and planted what I could outside when I could. I poured all my focus into flowers. If there were weeds, it was ok. I documented blooms and shared on my social media page to an album. At first it was just as a record for myself, but I found that other individuals (like the elderly) took joy in, and even looked for, my posts. I’ve since come to learn my weird symptoms were actually common to others. While not as frequent, they are becoming more frequent with other strains of covid. I’ve recovered a good bit, probably 60% physically of who I was before. That’s huge compared to where I was July of 2020. Mentally it’s a much bigger improvement. I’m actually filing paperwork today to convert my residential property to micro farm status. I may only sell one bouquet or one tomato, but to me it will be success and one of the greatest accomplishments of my life. All thanks to flowers.

Tonya’s Zinnias

4. Are there any tips you would like to give others on how to incorporate flowers into their lives?

Take baby steps. Do what brings you joy. If it is a bouquet on your table in your home, buy it! You’re worth it! If it’s growing it, take the time. You’re worth it!

Thank you so much to Tonya for sharing her beautiful story with us today. You can find her on Instagram at @SweetPickleFarms. She just started her account, so be sure to give her a follow!

If you have a story about how flowers have helped you improve your mental or physical health, please email me at


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