The Flower Remedy Newsletter - Issue 3, June 2023
Welcome to the June newsletter! This month, I wanted to give you a behind the scenes look at what's happening in my garden. It's a fun time of year, with lots of flowers already blooming and I'm enjoying it so much after a particularly rainy winter here in San Diego.
I'm in Zone 10B and my dahlia tubers are just peaking their heads out of the soil. There are about 10 tubers coming up that I kept in the garden beds from last year, thanks to us not having a frost here.
This spring, I experimented with a lot of orange in my garden beds - from calendula in almost every bed to California poppies to nasturtium. I really loved the "pop" it gave the garden!
While I've been working on my beds in the backyard, my husband, Billy, just transformed our front garden into an English cottage garden with delphinium, roses, sage, lavender, fuchsia, hydrangeas, foxgloves, camellias, and more. A dream come true for me!
Finally, we just had a flower giveaway with 13 volunteers, all laughing and playing with flowers around my kitchen counter. We had flowers donated from local flower farmers (Nurture Flora Co and Michaela Jean Art), florists (Flowers by Sunshine and Friday Flower Company), gardeners and flower lovers (Vicky S. and Grace G.), and Seaside Market. We took about 50 bouquets down to a nearby hiking spot and gave the bouquets away as random acts of kindness. Thank you to everyone who donated your time and flowers for this event! More volunteer events are coming soon, so keep an eye out!
What's going on in your world of flowers right now? If you're interested in starting your own flower garden, but don't know where to start, feel free to email me back with any questions you have. Always happy to connect and help!
Researchers in Japan found that when workers were exposed to flowers for just a few minutes, they had lower levels of anxiety and noted positive differences in their parasympathetic nervous system. Source
The Chelsea Flower Show 2023 awarded 37 gardens with medals in different categories from “Best Sanctuary Garden” to “Best All About Plants” Garden. See them all here.
Lisianthus ‘Voyage 2 Champagne’ is having a moment. This beauty was just named the fresh cut flower of the year.
The Slow Flowers Summit comes to Bellevue, Washington June 26-27th.
Growing Floret, Season 2, is now available on HBO MAX, Magnolia Network, Prime Video, and Discovery Plus.
Meanings include: love (red roses), new beginnings (white roses), friendship (yellow roses), enchantment (purple roses), grace (pink roses).
Healing properties of the rose flower essence: Can help us infuse our heart with joy, enthusiasm for life, and gratitude.
Growing tips: Make sure your roses have at least 6 hours of sun and are in well-drained, fertile soil. Fertilize regularly and try not to water over-head or get the leaves wet, as roses are susceptible to diseases like powdery mildew. There is so much to learn about how to grow roses, so I suggest getting a rose book or going to your local rose society for more growing information.
Some varieties I'm growing include: Koko Loko, Distant Drums, State of Grace, Iceberg, Silver Lining Floribunda, All Dressed Up Grandiflora, Olivia Rose Austin, and Francis Meilland.
Studies show that being in nature or even just viewing nature scenes can reduce anger, fear, and stress and increase pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature can also help your physical health by lowering blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and the production of stress hormones. Source
Make Gardening a Sensory Experience
When you're in the garden, all of your senses are activated. You may notice the sound of a bird chirping in the distance, or see a bee buzzing around a flower, or feel how the the soil is moist in your hands. Next time you're in the garden, try filling in these blanks:
Right now I see ____________, _____________________, and _________________.
When I close my eyes, I hear ____________________________________.
If the ______________ could talk, it might say ____________________________________.
A small detail I'm noticing is _________________________.
I'm in awe of ______________________________________________________________-.
Take a deep breath and sit for a few minutes in silence, using all of your senses to take in your surroundings. If you could sum up my time in nature today, what would it look like?
Photos (left to right),@greenie_babies,@southernsproutsgreenhouse,@tinnockfarmtipperary
See you next month with another issue of The Flower Remedy Newsletter! Have a flower-related topic you'd like to have included? Respond to this email with your tip 🌸
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